Predatory journals
What is a predatory journal - and how to avoid "falling into the trap".
DTU Orbit is the official research database of DTU. DTU Orbit provides an overview of the publications and activities to which DTU employees have contributed.
Learn more about research output and registration in DTU Orbit on DTU Inside (DTU-login)
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DTU Orbit
The DTU policy on publication includes scientific publications with DTU employees as authors. Scientific publications typically covers articles, conference contributions, and book chapters that are submitted to peer-review.
Base points in the policy on publication:
DTU Publication Policy (pdf)
DTU recommends Open Access publishing. The aim of Open Access is to give direct, online, and free access to research results without any restrictions.
Learn more about Open Access discounts on DTU Inside (DTU-login)
ORCID, Open Researcher and Contributor, is an international widely used persistent and unique researcher identifier that follows you regardless of workplace, position, or change of name. You can register an ORCID in DTUBasen or if you already have an ORCID you can link it to your profile in DTUBasen.
A DOI, Digital Object Identifier, can be assigned to research data, results, or publications as an unique identifier for these data. A DOI makes your research easy to find and to cite for other researchers throughout the world.
Most publishers are assigning DOIs to scientific publications, but DOIs can also be assigned to data sets via the DataCite system.
You will find more on the use of DOIs at DTU on DTU Inside.
Allocation of a DOI to a publication, a rapport or a data set (DTU login)
What is a predatory journal - and how to avoid "falling into the trap".