Frequently asked questions


PilOpening hours

PilHow can I use DTU Library if I am not at DTU Lyngby Campus?

PilHow can I get in contact with a librarian?

PilHow may I use/not use electronic resources from DTU Library?
PilHow may I use and share of materials from DTU Findit?
PilHow do I get access to standards?
PilHow do I install the requested plugin for a DRM protected file?
PilHow do I order material via DTU Library?
PilHow can I access full-text documents through Google Scholar?

PilDTU Findit, DTU Orbit, DTU Data - how do these system work together?

PilHow about my bachelor/master thesis? And how about access control?

PilHow can I get support for research data management?

In the library

PilHow do I print black/white?
PilHow do I print in colour?
PilHow do I print a poster?
PilHow to copy
PilHow do I scan?
PilHow do I bind my print?


Question Answer
How can I use DTU Library if I am not at DTU Lyngby Campus?

You have access to all our online services globally. This means that you can use DTU Library to search for literature, follow our webinars, book an appointment, etc. regardless of where you are: on one of DTU's 5 campuses or on one of DTU's research, test or teaching facilities. You can get the same from home or from the summerhouse, as long as you have internet and DTU login ready.

How do I get in contact with a librarian for questions or guidance?

At Library Service:
Lyngby: Monday-Friday 09.00-15.00

Call 45 25 72 50
Monday-Friday 09.00-15.00

Send an email

Book a librarian:
Get an introduction to the library’s service or let us help you or your study group with a specific issue - we can meet online via Zoom og Teams.
Book an appointment

Sign up for our courses:
Training and counseling

Take a look at our intro videos:

How may I use/not use electronic resources from DTU Library?

Normal copyright rules must be abided - learn more on Copyright

Copyright terms for the use of specific materials, as they are stated on the platforms DTU Library provides access to, must be adhered to.

The materials can only be used for study, teaching, research and private non-commercial purposes.

Commercial use of data, systematic download of large amounts of data (including entire books or journals) and storage of data, is strictly prohibited.

Text and data mining is not allowed, as a general rule. Contact DTU Library, to see if a solution can be found.

It is not permitted to share user-id and password to others (DTU login / WAYF).

It is not permitted to use access to DTU Library's licensed e-resources in relation to employment outside of DTU.

How may I use and share materials from DTU Findit?

You may:

  • link to materials found via DTU Findit - use Copy permalink
  • download, save, and print (if possible) a full text copy of electronic materials found via DTU Findit, but only for personal use.

You may not:

  • share full text copies of electronic materials found via DTU Findit. This applies to sharing via e-mail, upload to Facebook, ResearchGate, Twitter, and other platforms.
  • save full text copies of electronic materials found via DTU Findit on a shared drive (neither at DTU, DTU Learn, DTU Inside, CampusNet, nor in cloud-based services such as Dropbox etc.).
  • use full text copies of electronic materials downloaded via DTU Findit as attachments in project reports or such.

The materials can only be used for study, teaching, research, and private non-commercial purposes.

How do I get access to standards?

Danish standards - and international standards that have been implemented in Denmark (i.e. DS/EN, DS/IEC or DS/ISO).
DTU staff and students have access to all DS standards via the website "DS Distribute". To use DS Distribute and access the full text standards, you need to have a DTU login and have connection to DTU network, on campus, or via VPN.

How to get access to DS standards:
Use this link:

Only first time users:
First, you enter a login page called WAYF.
Click ’OK’ as consent of WAYF’ details - your data from DTUBasen
Secondly, accept GDPR data collection on DS website
On the Log-in page choose: ’From DTU: Click here to log in’ to access DS Distribute - do not fill in Email and Password!

Other standards
If you wish to order standards that cannot be accessed or ordered via Dansk Standard (e.g. due to special license agreements), you can order them via DTU Findit.
When we receive your order, we will try to borrow the standard from another library. You will receive an email when the material is ready for pick-up.

Please note that users not affiliated with DTU cannot access Danish standards (Standard Distribute) via the walk-in PCs in Lyngby.

How do I install the requested plugin to my computer, when I receive a DRM protected file from DTU Findit?

To install the plugin, you must follow the link below:

FileOpen Plug-in Installer for Linux.
Download the gzipped tar archive, and use the binary installer or proceed with manual installation:

How do I order material via DTU Library? If you are looking for a certain type of material, you can use the DTU Library search tool DTU Findit:
If you do not find what you are looking for through DTU Findit, please try the options below:
How can I access full-text documents paid for by DTU through Google Scholar?
  1. Access the Google Scholar settings by visiting:
  2. Click Library links on the left hand menu>
  3. Search for DTU
  4. Select the checkbox next to Technical University of Denmark – DTU Findit – Fulltext and click Save

When searching in Google Scholar you will now see a link on the right hand side of the screen notifying you that a full-text document is available through DTU Findit. To view the document click the link.

DTU Findit, DTU Orbit, DTU Data - how do these system work together? We have designed a page to illustrate the how data flow between our systems: 
See how the systems relate to one another
What happens to my bachelor/master thesis?
And how about access control?

Bachelor and master theses in DTU Findit
When you hand in your bachelor thesis or master thesis via DTU Inside/CampusNet, the metadata (title, author name, etc.) is automatically harvested by DTU Findit and made searchable in DTU Findit. This happens once the thesis has been approved and graded.

Before submitting the thesis, you must decide whether or not to grant full text access to the thesis in DTU Findit  for employees and students at DTU (DTU login). When you upload the thesis, you will be asked to decide upon online accessibility. For a thesis to be visible in DTU Findit, it must have been approved and graded. Student theses are rarely harvested by Google.

People without a DTU login do not have access to the full-text version of your assignment. If you want to share it, you must send it yourself.

Once you have uploaded your thesis, you will not be able to make changes to the document or upload a new version. You can only change the online accessibility of the full text in DTU Findit.

Change of status
IIf you want to change the online accessibility of the file in DTU Findit, you must contact your supervisor to allow access to update the thesis via DTU Inside/CampusNet - the same place where the thesis was originally uploaded; please note editing has to be done before midnight the same day. Your supervisor will also be able to update the access to the file, if you for instance no longer have a DTU login - this is done in the same place.
If the online availability of the thesis has not been updated in DTU Findit within 24 hours, please contact DTU Bibliotek (and include the thesis ID in your inquiry).

Study profile
As long as you have an active study profile you need to ask your supervisor to give you access to change the online availability of the file. Study profiles are active for approx. 6 months after graduation. However, inactive profiles can be reopened by your supervisor or a study secretary. The access status must be corrected before midnight on the same day.

How can I get support for research data management? If you need assistance or have questions regarding research data management e.g. writing data management plans, compliance with requirements from funding agencies and publishers, publication of data, training, etc. please do not hesitate to contact DTU Library Data Management help desk

or learn more on this site
How do I print B/W?

If you are affiliated with DTU, you can use the six printers in the databar on the 1st floor - free of charge. You must activate your DTU card by a printer first time and present your card to the printer every time thereafter.
If you are not affiliated with DTU, you can use the walk-in PCs on the ground floor for free and use the two printers.

See video about print

How do I print in colour?

You can print in colour at DTU Library (size A4 and A3); in Lyngby at the Print shop. It costs 0,50 kr. a page for A4 and 1.00 kr for A3. You pay with your DTU card (Student card) after activating it by scanning it at a printer - and "charge" it via the DTU print setup SafeQ

You have to be affiliated with DTU to buy a print card. Get help at Library service and pay for your colour print.

See video about print

Can I print from my labtop?

Yes, if you are affiliated with DTU!
You print A4 B/W or colour by logging in with your DTU login and upload your document to the DTU print setup SafeQ

How do I print a poster?

In the basement of the library in Lyngby we have two printers for posters up to A0 size.

BUT before you can print you must activate your DTU card by a printer and "charge" it via the DTU print setup SafeQ

Posterprint cost  4.00 - 32.00 DKK depending on size.

Pdf-files work best. If you open your poster in Adobe Acrobat you will get the right settings for the print setup. In Adobe Acrobat you need to get to the print settings by clicking the print icon.

  1. Select printer: databar-hp-1700 0n
  2. If the printers do not show then you must restart the computer.
  3. Choose “Size” and “Fit” under “Page Size Handling” menu
  4. Click “Page Setup” to choose the wanted size for the poster (A0, A1, A2, A3, A4)
  5. Choose “Auto Portrait” or “Landscape”. N.B. A0 must always be “Portrait”.

And now you are ready to print your poster.

See video about poster print

How to copy?
You can use the printers in the Print Shop to make copies in colour by using  your DTU card, after activating it at a printer and "charging" it via: SafeQ
With an activated DTU card you can copy B/W free of charge at all printers at the Databar.
How do I scan?

You can scan from the colour printers in the Print Shop or Databar.

  1. Scan your DTU card at the printer
  2. Press "Scan" on the display of the printer
  3. Now you are ready to put your document in the scanner. 
  4. Press the big green button.

If you are not affiliated with DTU, you can scan at Library Service during the staffed hours.

How to bind my assignment? At Library Services you can buy document folder spines for binding in different sizes as well as back and front pages. A set costs 10 DKK. The spines cost 5 DKK.; front or back costs 2.50 DKK. The tools for binding are found on the work desk behind the Print shop on the ground floor.
Unfortunately, we can not offer binding with glue, but refer to PF