Open Researcher and Contributor ID - ORCID
- your researcher ID
ORCID is a unique and internationally recognised researcher ID, also used at DTU. ORCID connects research and researchers.
- when you publish
A unique ID like ORCID overcomes complications with coincidence concerning names, the use of special characters, and variations in abbreviations of first and middle names. ORCID thus ensures that you and your research are correctly linked. ORCID also guarantees that your research is cited correctly and that all your citations are attributed to you. ORCID is yours personally and it follows you regardless of employer, field of research, and change in name, if any. Your ORCID is used in the DTU department evaluations, it is therefore important that you "maintain" your ORCID and remember to synchronize with e.g., DTU Orbit.
- when applying for funding
Once you have linked your research to your ORCID, many funders may only ask for your ORCID as a documentation for your research. This eases the administrative procedure - not only for you but also for the funding authority.
- in research institutions, here DTU
The researchers' use of ORCID helps to ensure that the university research database, DTU Orbit, is updated correctly. This also means that the appropriate publications and citations are attributed to the university. The administrative work for the various types of applications is also facilitated for the Administration at DTU. The ORCID is used in the DTU department evaluations.
Get your ORCID and link your publications to it
As an employee at DTU, you can set up your ORCID via DTUBasen. If you already have an ORCID, you can link it to your profile in DTUBasen. From DTUBasen ORCIDs can be reused in other systems at the university, such as the research database DTU Orbit. Your ORCID is shown on your electronic profile on Once you have created your ORCID, you must autorize the link between your publications in DTU Orbit and your ORCID profile.
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