About DTU Orbit
DTU Research Database
DTU Orbit retains information about DTU publications from 1996 onwards.
DTU Orbit also includes publications made by the former Risø National Laboratory from 1958, DTU Diplom (the former IHK) from 1971, DTU Environment from 1966 as well as DTU Aqua, DTU Food, DTU Vet, DTU Space, and DTU Transport from 2007. DTU Orbit also retains a limited number of publications from DTU before 1996, and from employees' previous employments.
Please note that DTU Orbit includes the full text, when possible, according to copyright policies.
DTU PhD dissertations are available in full text from 2007.
Data from DTU Orbit is also shown in search engines such as Google.
DTU Orbit - DTU Research Database
Registration of research output in DTU Orbit
Research produced by employees at DTU is registered in DTU Orbit. Data from DTU Orbit is used in internal statistics and evaluations. Furthermore, the research at DTU is made visible to the outside world.
All written publications where one or more DTU employees are affiliated as authors must be registered. It is optional to register projects and activities.
It is the employee's responsibility to make sure that their personal list of publications in DTU Orbit is updated correctly.
The procedure for registration of research output
DTU Library locates and registers the majority of the publications where DTU employees are affiliated. Publications we do not find are to be reported by the employee to the library.
Add/edit research (only DTU employees)
- personal list of your publications in DTU Orbit, and the option to add missing publications as well as CV, projects, or activities.
Learn more on research output and registration in DTU Orbit at DTU Inside (DTU login)
Questions regarding DTU Orbit and research registration can be sent to orbit@dtu.dk. It is also possible to book presentations, teaching, or guidance.