Customised presentations

DTU Library offers custom-made introductions to our services for all employees of DTU (e.g., departments, sections, or research groups).

A presentation takes about 30-45 minutes at your department, via Zoom og Teams and is adapted to your needs. It can be requested by lectures, project groups, or other groups of employees at DTU.

Examples of a presentation:

  • DTU Library services and offers
  • Focus on DTU Findit - our digital library
    • Contents
    • Searching
    • Feeds/Alerts
    • Tagging
    • My Publications (research registration)
  • Use of e-resources in teaching
  • Open Access publication
    • Definition
    • How to start with Open Access?
    • Possibilities and challenges – focussing on your department
  • ORCID and other resercher IDs
  • Research data and data management
    • Data management plans and DeiC DMP 
    • the FAIR principles
    • DTU Data


DTU Library

Please do not hesitate to contact us for more information or to make an apointment.