PhD students



DTU Orbit

In the university research database, DTU Orbit, research output produced by researchers at DTU is registered. Members of staff can report publications that DTU Library does not find and register..

DTU Data

DTU's repository for publishing and indexing research data, DTU Data makes it possible to publish, make visible and find research data generated in research projects at DTU or by DTU researchers.

Dress up for research

- use your DTU Library accessories

DTU Findit
• Your solid foundation for scientific information
• Dresses you up for all occasions 
DTU Orbit 
• Flashes all your DTU publications
• Provides statistics and Open Access figures 
DTU Data 
• Publication platform for your research data
• Supports FAIR principles
• Creates transparency, visibility and makes you look stylish 
• Synchronizes all your publications across all platforms
• Verifies your professional profile
• A way to gather all your publications
• Publications statistics from Web of Science for researchers, sections and departments
• Shows citation impact and h-index