About DTU Data

DTU's repository for storing and publishing research data

DTU Data is DTU's platform for publishing and indexing research data. Data is globally and openly available to everyone.
Visit DTU Data - at data.dtu.dk

DTU Data makes it possible to publish, accentuate, and find research data generated in research projects at DTU or by DTU researchers, and is a tool to make research output FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable).

DTU Data is available to all DTU's researchers and their research data - use your DTU login.

DTU Data is built on the Figshare platform.

DTU Data supports Open Science

Research data can be made fully accessable in the repository. Access to research data can be limited to only peer reviewers, data can be subject to restrictions, or for some research output only metadata are made visible. This means that research data are made "As open as possible, as closed as necessary".

Personal data may under no circumstances be uploaded to DTU Data.

DTU Data complies with requirements and policies

DTU Data is fully compliant with the requirements made by our many funders and publishers to provide Open Access to research data.
Read more about DTU Data, the FAIR principles, etc. on DTU Inside (DTU login)


DTU Data was CoreTrustSeal-certified in 2023 after an extensive peer-review process. The CoreTrustSeal badge is a way to distinguish which repositories are trustworthy and have documented processes around governance, data management and technical infrastructure.
The CoreTrustSeal accreditation provides DTU's researchers and partners with the assurance that their data held in our repository will remain useful and meaningful into the future. With a certified and trustworthy repository, DTU Library will continue to ensure and enhance the "FAIRness" of research data and thus, support research reproducibility and data reuse.
Read about CoreTrustSeal on the organization's website