DTU’s Research Data Management Policy

– references and further reading from the policy

On this page, we have collected links to references related to DTU's policy for research data management, which was revised and approved by DTU's executive board in the spring 2023.
DTU's Research Data Management Policy (pdf)

Definitions for concepts used in the policy.

References in the policy

  1. About the FAIR principles
    In 2016 Wilkinson et al. wrote the article that defined the FAIR principles. These principles are now recognized in most of the research world and form the basis of several funders' demands for data sharing:
    Wilkinson, M. et al. The FAIR Guiding Principles for scientific data management and stewardship. Sci Data 3, 160018 (2016). https://doi.org/10.1038/sdata.2016.18
    In 2021 the Danish Agency for Higher Education and Science published the The national strategy for data management based on the FAIR principles (pdf, in Danish). The strategy aims at research institutions and research funding foundations. It defines a number of principles and associated areas of action that can strengthen the dissemination and financing of good data management practices. The strategy is part of the implementation of the EU's Open Data directive and the Danish implementation of this in the PSI Act. It must thus contribute to fulfilling research and society's expectation of increasing availability of publicly funded research.
    See DTU's Open Science-map: https://www.bibliotek.dtu.dk/openscience
  2. Compliance-timeline
    Does your project follow DTU's guidelines for research practice? Use our compliance timeline through all phases of your research project.
    Compliance-timeline (DTU Inside / DTU-login)
  3. DTU's publication policy
    Publication of research results is crucial for the university's mission and work, for the utilization of the research for the benefit of society and for the recognition of both the individual researcher and the university as a whole.
    All DTU publications must be indexed and archived in the university research database, DTU Orbit
    DTU publications must be Open Access to enable free access to all. This to support:
    • professional collaboration and critical review of research
    • the facilitation of the use of research results
    • the access to information and knowledge in society in general
    DTU's publication policy – to be updated (pdf)
  4. GDPR
    Personal data must be deleted or anonymized in accordance with the storage period set at the start of the project and in various agreements with project partners. If personal data is reused or passed on to other research projects, approvals for further processing must be documented.
    Only if specific requirements are met, you can publish personal data in archives or scientific publications. Some funders have formal sections on GDPR incorporated into the application templates.
    GDPR at DTU
    (DTU Inside / DTU-login)
    Personal data do not have to anonymised to be sent to the national archives 

  5. Commercialisation and Patenting of Technology
    If you have made an invention at DTU, it may be possible to patent and commercialize it. See and read more about how DTU's Legal & Tech Trans office can help commercialize and patent technologies created at DTU.
    Commercialisation and Patenting of Technology (DTU Inside / DTU-login)
  6. National Archives - general orders
    The general orders about notification to the Danish National Archives (Rigsarkivet) of digital research data created by government authorities applies to all institutions that create digital research data – including universities.
    Digital research data is defined as data created in connection with research, as well as associated documentation that explains what data is involved, how the data was provided and for what overall purpose.
    Research data must be reported to the National Archives by the time the results are available. However, the following types of research data are excluded:
    1. Data created through experiments or simulations that are repeated, e.g. laboratory experiments or chemical experiments.
    2. Data generated solely through integration of administrative records.
    3. Data published in its entirety in publications covered by Act no. 1439 of 2004 on statutory submission of published material in Denmark (Lov om pligtaflevering af offentliggjorte materiale i Danmark).
    4. Research projects below PhD level..
    Research data must be reported to the National Archives when collection and analysis of the research are finalized. After the submission of your project (data) the National Archives will issue a decision whether or not your data needs to be sent to the archives for long term preservation.
    DTU recommends that the notification to the National Archives are considered and entered into the project's data management plan, and that the notification is made by sending the data management plan to the National Archives.
    For support please contact datamanagement@dtu.dk

    General Order on notification of research data - in Danish
    Retsinformation.dk Bekendtgørelse nr. 514
    General Order on submission of data sets to the national archives - in Danish
    Retsinformation.dk Bekendtgørelse nr. 591
  7. Principles for good scientific conduct
    All research carried out at DTU must be of high quality and reliability. A part of conducting reliable research of high quality is compliance with the principles for good scientific practice. These principles are understood partly through a description of unwanted behaviours, defined as EITER scientific misconduct or questionable research practice, and partly through guidelines for what behaviours are wanted in connection with e.g. publishing research results and attribution of authorship. In 2015, DTU ratified the Danish code of conduct for research integrity and has, based on this, formulated its own DTU code of conduct.

    Read more about good scientific conduct (DTU Inside / DTU-login)
    The Danish Code of Conduct for Research Integrity (pdf, DTU Inside / DTU-login)

    DTU’s Code of Conduct for Research Integrity (pdf, DTU Inside / DTU-login)