Suggest purchase

of a information resource

DTU Library ensures access to requested information by buying material suggested by our users.

Please let us know if you have any suggestions for an information resource - an e-book, a journal, a web resource, or access to a database.

Proposals are made by sending us an email at


DTU Library will decide - within the set financial frame - whether DTU should own the information resource or whether the material should be obtained through interlibrary collaboration.

We evaluate all proposals for purchase according to the following criteria:

  1. DTU Library primarily acquires information resources relevant to research and teaching at DTU. 
  2. As a rule, we acquire the material in electronic form for the use of all of DTU. 
  3. In general, DTU Library only acquires recent electronic information resources i.e. published within the last five years. However, evaluating requests on a case-by-case basis, taking both price and demand into consideration, we may make exceptions to this rule.
  4. DTU Library primarily acquires information resources in English or Danish.