On Monday and Tuesday of next week DTU Library is giving the two popular courses: "Reference Workshop" and "Search, cite, publish - information competencies for PhD students and newly employed" - in Lyngby.
Reference Workshop
Monday, 9 March, 14.00-16.00.
The objective of this workshop is to give an introduction to a reference tool, Mendeley, show how to import references from different sources and how to Work with them in Word or BibteX. As it is a workshop you can work with your own material; please bring your own laptop.
Sign up: 4525 7250 (Monday-Friday, 9.00-16.00) eller service@dtic.dtu.dk
Learn more about workshoppen
Search, cite, publish
Tuesday, 10 March, 9.30-11.30.
The objective of this course is to introduce the resources to which DTU Library provides access to PhD students and newly employed researchers.
We also give an introduction to a systematic and scientific approach to information searching.
Sign up via DTU Portalen (DTU-login)
Learn more about the courset