
DTU Findit, DTU Orbit, DTU Data & your research project


How our systems are interconnected - and support Open Science

DTU Findit is DTU's online library service, where you can search all the literature, scientific information, and databases provided by DTU Library within the fields of DTU research. Thus, DTU Findit supports your research project with academic literature and datasets.

DTU Library registers all scientific publications with at least one DTU author in DTU's official research database, DTU Orbit. Information about DTU staff in DTU Orbit comes from DTUBasen, also known as the phonebook. It is through DTUBasen that you link your profile to your ORCID. In DTU Orbit, you can allow for export of publications to your ORCID profile.

Most publications are found automatically by the library, but it is the responsibility of the researcher to ensure that all relevant publications are listed in DTU Orbit. DTU Library welcomes information about missing publications and post-prints via It is crucial that DTU Orbit is updated, as it serves as the basis for departmental annual reports (IÅR) and national Open Access statistics, and feeds into other systems such as Google Scholar.

As a DTU researcher, you can choose to register your research project in DTU Orbit, as well as register or import your published datasets. Additionally, you can register activities, media appearances, press statements, awards, etc.. Ph.D. projects are automatically synchronised to DTU Orbit from DTU Fusion, but you can add a description of the project to DTU Orbit yourself.

You can publish your research data and software in DTU Data, DTU's repository for research data, thereby making data accessible to others nationally and internationally. You set the level of accessibility yourself - open to all, open with an embargo period, or only open for you.

If you register a corresponding article's DOI in the data entry, the two will automatically be linked in DTU Findit.

DTU publications and dataset metadata in DTU Findit

In DTU Findit, DTU publications registered in DTU Orbit, are marked with a DTU logo. Metadata about datasets from DTU Data, Zenodo, etc., also finds its way from DTU Orbit, if you have registered them there, to DTU Findit and is marked with a DTU logo.

Datasets and DTU Findit

In DTU Data, you can link data and articles by specifying the article's DOI. If the article is available in DTU Findit, the article and data will also be linked there.

Additionally, everything published in DTU Data can be searched in DTU Findit and is marked with a DTU logo.

Datasets and DTU Orbit

In DTU Orbit, you can register your published datasets via DOI. The dataset can then be linked to projects and articles.

Datasets are open for use and reuse in other research projects via DTU Data.

DTU Findit supports DTU Library in registering publications in DTU Orbit.

Research outputs from DTU Orbit and DTU Data are displayed for each researcher in the "phonebook", that is Search for people on



Digital Object Identifier, DOI is used to uniquely and permanently identify digital research outputs such as publications, reports, and datasets. 
Experimental equipment can also be assigned a DOI - e.g. via DTU EIS, DTU Equipment Information System.
Learn more at DTU Inside.