Roskilde Festival: Find and test 'smart technology' and win tickets

- use DTU Library as a test lab

DTU students are invited to develop and test technologies that can count the number of people moving through the festival gates.

The winner project will get the opportunity to implement their solution for this year's Roskilde Festival and at the same time get admission tickets to the now sold-out festival (max 6 participants in the group).

As soon as DTU Library is opening the library in Lyngby the groups can test their ideas in the library as part of DTU Smart Library. DTU Library will finance the groups' purchases of the equipment to be set up in the library.

The competition is a collaboration between DTU Library, Powered by DTU Students and Roskilde Festival.


The deadline for entry into the competition is 12 May 2021.
The deadline for submitting a project idea is 7 June 2021.
Presentation of projects and awarding the winner in June 2021. The winning team will be able to implement the solution at the festival during the week up to the opening of the festival site.

Registration and questions

Questions can be sent to information consultant at DTU Library, Thomas Skov Jensen på


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