The UN Sustainable Development Goals in DTU Orbit

The 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals can now be linked to publications and personal profiles in DTU Orbit, the DTU research database.

In this way, you can search for DTU publications and people based on the 17 goals directly from the front page of DTU Orbit.

Clicking on the icons will reveal the number of people and publications that have contributed to each goal. The individual persons and publications are displayed by clicking on the numbers.

The official goal icons are not only displayed on the front page of DTU Orbit, but also on the individual DTU Orbit post and on researcher profiles.

See the UN official website:

Relating to the Sustainable Development Goals
Behind the allocation of the goals is a series of automatic searches documented here:

The keywords are assigned to the publications based on searches in the publications' title, abstract and keywords. The researchers are assigned keywords based on a search in the profile section and in keywords.

Test period
Searching the UN's 17 goals will be tested spring and summer of 2021, thereafter we will decide whether the option provides value and will continue.

Please send your feedback to:

> DTU Orbit

Enjoy ...