Easy access to 40.000 references about Covid-19

with DTU Findit

DTU Library has made a search for covid-19 material in DTU Findit, to help you find Covid-19 material - for your research, project application or studies. You can narrow the search further for to your own purpose. Find the search by clicking on "Discover COVID-19 material" on the front page of DTU Findit.

You can get weekly updates with new Covid-19 material, using the "Save as Feed" feature, seen right above the search box after you click "Discover COVID-19 material". Remember that you can give your favorite materials a star, and re-find them easily in "Favorites".

The search

(Coronavirus Infection) OR (Corona virus Infection) OR (Coronavirus Disease 2019) OR (Corona virus Disease 2019) OR (coronavirus disease-19) OR (corona virus disease-19) OR (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2) OR (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Corona virus 2) OR (SARS-CoV-2) OR (SARS2) OR (SARS-related Coronavirus) OR (SARS-related Corona virus) OR (2019-nCoV) OR (2019 Novel Coronavirus) OR (2019 Novel Corona virus) OR (Covid-19) OR (Wuhan coronavirus) OR (Wuhan corona virus) OR (Wuhan seafood market pneumonia virus)