Citizen Science, data &

Love Data Week 2020 - Day 1

This week we are showing our appreciation for research data. This week is Love Data Week - an international event with the aim to share stories about data and to set focus on the importance of research data management.

Love Data Week is running from 10-14 February. During these days, we are zooming in on a kind of data that actively involve all of us in creating new knowledge and understanding of the world we live in – we are turning our attention to Citizen Science and the data collected in Citizen Science projects. DTU Library will each day of the week post a video and take you on a tour to discover how researchers in collaboration with citizens engage in scientific endeavor.

We will introduce Citizen Science data collection methods, the challenges and potential it holds, and how the Library can provide guidance and support in Citizen Science projects.

Citizen Science
– introduction to Citizen Science and the case of

How do Citizen Science projects involve citizens in scientific investigation? Which kind of data are collected and how can the collected data make a difference? In our first video, we will explore this together with Researcher Christian Skov from DTU Aqua and the Citizen Science project “Fangstjournalen”.

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