Current courses from DTU Library: "Search, cite, publish" and "Making your research visible"

On Wednesday, 21, 0ctober - in Lyngby

Search, cite, publish
Wednesday, 21 October, 14.00-16.30.

The objective of this course is to introduce PhD students and newly employed researchers to the resources that DTU Library provides access to
We also give an introduction to a systematic and scientific approach to information searching.

PilSign up via DTU Portalen (DTU-login)
PilLearn more about the course


Making your research visible
Wednesday, 21 October, 16.30-17.30.

A one hour presentation that intends to give PhD students and researchers inspiration on how proper research registration, Open Access publishing, tweeting and blogging can help them reach a wider audience.

PilSign up via DTU Portalen (DTU-login)
PilLearn more about the course