The benefits of Open Access are numerous: greater visibility, easier dissemination of research, recognition and acclaim, more citations, new network opportunities, ...
The motivation behind Open Access is to offer free online access to scientific research - without any restrictions to the end-user and without compromising the scientific reputation of the author!
To individual researchers, Open Access increases both the visibility and dissemination of their research, thereby potentially increasing citation counts as well as the opportunities for interdisciplinary research collaboration.
In addition, you as a researcher will also benefit from the research that your peers have made available Open Access.
Overall, Open Access provides access to other scientists’ research results, it improves communication across disciplinary research fields, increases impact factors and readership, generates more downloads, more citations and better utilization of the most recent research results. This leads to increased productivity and faster scientific advances. The more researchers that can access and utilize the latest research, the more valuable this research becomes.
To DTU as a whole, Open Access helps transfer the knowledge created at the university to society in the form of free access to scientific results published in articles and books cf. DTU’s overall mission and a main point in DTU Publication Policy.
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DTU Publication Policy (pdf)