Data Management: New website on FAIR research data

Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable

DTU Library is pleased to present a new resource for Research Data Management: a website focused on how you can make research data more FAIR:, set to launch on Friday, 3 July 2020.  
This website will take you on a deep dive into the subject matter of FAIR research data. Over the course of about two hours, it will show you that FAIR is not necessarily a time-consuming administrative mantra, but a set of principles that makes your research more efficient, transparent and sustainable.

You will be shown short video clips of researchers in Engineering, Humanities, Health Sciences, and Social Sciences. Recommendations, standards and examples are given for quantitative, qualitative and sensitive data. These will guide you through the steps you can take before, during and after your own research project to help you produce FAIRer research data in a way that makes sense for you.  

Already know everything there is to know about FAIR? Why not test your knowledge with our FAIR quiz?  

The website can be used directly by researchers or as part of Research Data Management training.

Link directly to the examples you need, or take your trainees through the quiz and debate the answers in class. launching on July 3rd from FAIR eLearning Denmark on Vimeo.