Direct online access
Search results in DTU Findit will now only list the publications where you have direct online access, as well as material from the library's own printed collections.
If you didn’t find what you are looking for, then you may choose to search for references without direct online access. Please check "External supplier" at the "Access" filter to the left of the search result. You will now get search results, which can be ordered from an external supplier, albeit for a payment. This usually incurs a waiting time for the material to be delivered. Please note that we may charge a fee for students and for private users.
See the embargo period for Open Access
Some publishers allow a research publication to be archived or published concurrently in a research database such as DTU Orbit. However, many publishers require that the publication itself should be made freely available as Open Access only after an embargo period, typically 12 - 24 months.
DTU Findit will now show the date when the publication is Open Access and no longer embargoed.
Therefore, it may be advantageous to wait for the publication to be made freely available rather than choosing delivery from an external supplier that costs you and / or DTU.