Reference management with Mendeley

Among other things we can help you with:
- Importing references from DTU Findit, Web of Science, Google Scholar, Scopus, PubMED, Reaxys, etc.
- Working with your references in Word or exporting to BibTEX
- How you share references and create private groups
- Tips for using Mendeley for non-Word users ( Latex/ Overleaf)
The webinar is just an introduction; we expect that you have made an account with Mendeley beforehand and installed the necessary plugins - see links below.
For more advanced use of Mendeley, please contact us via mail or book an appointment with a librarian.
The presentation will be in English.
Webinar, online via Zoom - link will be provided by email.
This webinar is run by information consultant Jeannette Ekstrøm.
Sign up
To sign up or get further info please use bibliotek@dtu.dk
Mendeley support:
Mendeley (access and account)
Mendeley support center
Mendeley libguides
Can't wait to get started with Mendeley?
If you can not participate in our webinar or just want to get started here and now, you can consult our Discover course on Mendeley at DTU Learn