iThenticate: a brief introduction

iThenticate: a brief introduction


27. jan 13:00 - 14:00


Online via Zoom


DTU Library



iThenticate: a brief introduction

- a text screening tool

DTU Library presents this webinar on the similarity checking tool iThenticate.

iThenticate is a tool that staff at DTU can use as a part of their research process.
Read more about iThenticate on DTU Inside (DTU login)

We will cover areas such as how to access iThenticate, the screening output, tweaking the output, the sharable report, some typical use cases, and of course a Q &A on the system and its reports.

The format will be a webinar via Zoom.

The webinar is run by Joshua Kragh Amudzidis-Bruhn, senior advisor, CBS Library, and Kasper Bøgh, librarian, DTU Library.

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