DTU continues to hold a top position in the measurement from the Danish Open Access Indicator. The indicator shows how many of the scientific publications from Danish universities that are available Open Access (i.e. available for everybody free of charge).
About 77 % of all DTU publications are now available Open Access.
We can still do better - together
The percentage of Open Access publications has not improved much during the last couple of years. The figures have levelled out and we still have a long way to go in order to reach 100 % Open Access, which is the goal of the national Open Access strategy, that DTU endorses.
If we are to reach 100 % Open Access, we depend on you to send all your post-prints to DTU Library. When you publish, you will need to consider Open Access anyway. Many funders have strict Open Access requirements and sometimes depositing the post-print in a repository like DTU Orbit will help you fulfill the requirements. DTU Library will make sure that we upload the manuscripts in accordance with the copyright and Open Access policies of the individual publishers, i.e. embargo periods. Most importantly though, you will need to consider Open Access when you negotiate with publishers before signing away your research articles.
Check your publication list for missing post-prints
You can follow the Open Access status of your own publications in DTU Orbit. Click on the titles without an Open Access icon and check if a post-print is missing.
If the DTU Orbit record does not contain a post-print under embargo, please send it to DTU Library as soon as possible: orbit@dtu.dk
We ensure that copyright and embargo periods are respected.
Please note that the next national Open Access Measurement will be based on 2022 publications - thus, these have first priority.
Naturally, the post-print is not necessary if the publisher version is already available Open Access.
Monitor your department’s Open Access status
You can see your department’s Open Access status and monitor the figures (at group and section level too) in our DTU Research Output Statistics. The figures for the current year are updated every two weeks.
DTU Research Output Statistics