Come and compete in the Pokémon League Cup Tournament

Come and compete in the Pokémon League Cup Tournament


18. feb 2024 11:00 - 17:00


DTU Library, Lyngby


Copenhagens Pokémon League - League Cup Q3


Jonas Bøttzauw Pedersen

Pokémon Liga København

Come and compete in the Pokémon League Cup Tournament

Come and compete in Copenhagens Pokémon League Cup, which this time around is held at DTU Library!

It is free to participate, but since we play sanctioned, you need a Pokémon Player ID, a legal deck (Regulation Mark E and onwards) as well as a decklist of this deck.

Registration opens at 11:00 and the tournament starts at 11:30, where we will be playing Best of 1 Swiss, followed by Best of 3 top cut.

For more info