Reference management with Mendeley
Among other things we can help you with:
- Importing references from DTU Findit, Web of Science, Google Scholar, Scopus, PubMED, Reaxys, etc.
- Working with your references in Word or exporting to BibTEX
- How you share references and create private groups
- Tips for using Mendeley for non-Word users ( Latex/ Overleaf)
The webinar is just an introduction; we expect that you have made an account with Mendeley beforehand and installed the necessary plugins - see links below.
For more advanced use of Mendeley, please contact us via mail or book an appointment with a librarian.
The presentation will be in English.
Webinar, online via Zoom - the link is be provided by mail.
This webinar is run by information consultant Pernille Seier.
Sign up
To sign up or get further info please use bibliotek@dtu.dk
Mendeley support:Mendeley (access and account)
Mendeley support center
Mendeley libguides