Everything you want - new user-friendly features in DTU Findit

Download articles directly, filter on language and get the number of citations - straightaway

DTU Library is working continuously to improve our digital library DTU Findit, in dialogue with our users, based on feedback and on our usability tests, resulting in, for example, making the search field bigger. We  will present some of the new features in DTU Findit.

Articles with direct, online access

Users have requested that you can quickly identify which articles in a search result are available electronically, and therefor be downloaded directly. This request has been implemented by specifying in the Online Access box how many of the articles in the search result have direct online access. With a single click, the list is reduced to include only what can be downloaded directly.

DTU staff and students have full access to all the literature DTU Library has purchased - approx. 88 million publications - as well as all articles published under Open Access.

Users of DTU Findit not related to DTU have direct access to the approx. 12 million records that are published as Open Access.

To increase usability you can now download the full text article directly from the search result list. Previously, you had to go via the page with all the information about the individual article, the abstract and so on before you could get your hands on the article itself. We save you some clicks.
Filtering on language

You can now filter publications by language. Many languages are included in our data and you may now avoid the ones you do not understand. Additionally, we can prevent our users from ordering articles in DTU Findit with an English title and abstract although the article itself may be in a language not understood.

Both "multiple" and "undetermined" will appear in the list of languages. Multiple covers literature that is actually published in parallel in two languages, e.g. from Canada where both English and French are official languages. When undetermined is set as the language there is no indication of the language in the data we receive, although it is often English.

Citation from WoS and Scopus
Another request from our researchers has been that the number of citations for each article is displayed the DTU Findit interface. We now show these figures from both Web of Science and the Scopus database - the two major players in the field - on the record for each article. You will find these figures in the Metrics box on the right hand side - when, ever citation data is found for a publication system. Citation numbers appear only for users with DTU login due to licence.

The Altmetric score is shown for all the publications in which data is found. An Altmetric score indicates the reach of an article based on publicity online, shares, comments on social media etc. Almetric score is displayed for all users.

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