
What is new in DTU Library, Lyngby?

"There's more to it than meets the eye"

Several of you have asked us, what is new after the renovation of the library in Lyngby, as you do not see it at the first sight.

  • Glass walls all around the 2nd floor - provides a more quiet floor
  • New ventilation - can accommodate the many people
  • New LED light - not only "smart" but also energy-saving
  • Escape routes and sprinkler systems - the library is now security-approved for 1,300 people versus 349 previously
  • Silencing ceilings - also meets the load
  • Modcams - registration of motion and load - data collection
  • Sensors - CO2, humidity, temperature, light and noise level - data collection
  • New big screens in the group rooms and booths with video-conference systems, cameras and speakers
  • Some new pieces of furniture incl. hammocks on the 2nd floor
See fotos ...

Other than that, the library has not changed much - but doesn't it work pretty well?

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