Several of you have asked us, what is new after the renovation of the library in Lyngby, as you do not see it at the first sight.
- Glass walls all around the 2nd floor - provides a more quiet floor
- New ventilation - can accommodate the many people
- New LED light - not only "smart" but also energy-saving
- Escape routes and sprinkler systems - the library is now security-approved for 1,300 people versus 349 previously
- Silencing ceilings - also meets the load
- Modcams - registration of motion and load - data collection
- Sensors - CO2, humidity, temperature, light and noise level - data collection
- New big screens in the group rooms and booths with video-conference systems, cameras and speakers
- Some new pieces of furniture incl. hammocks on the 2nd floor
See fotos ...
Other than that, the library has not changed much - but doesn't it work pretty well?
Welcome back!