With this new feature, you will be presented with suggestions for other related literature when using DTU Findit - in a test period. The functionality is called "Other users read" and appears in the right-hand side when the article of your choice is shown - see screenshot below.
The suggestions shown are based on all users' total download history, i.e. on what other users who downloaded this particular article or book chapter have also downloaded. Since not all items will have been downloaded by other users, suggestions will not appear on all records.
As we cannot assess how useful the suggestions are, we ask for your feedback; please select "Yes" or "No" to tell whether the recommendations were useful. Your feedback will be taken in to account when we evaluating on and decide whether to implement the function permanently.
By clicking the question mark, you get the brief explanation of the functionality and with the x you can remove it.
Advanced search improvements
We have also implemented some improvements on advanced search, beta version. For example, advanced search is now available from the start, i.e. on the front page of DTU Findit - we have been listening to your feedback.