
Facts about the Wi-Fi in DTU Library, Lyngby

Try turning it off and on again - until new equipment is installed ...

In October, we made a study of the wireless network in the library in Lyngby. We checked both the quality of the signal and interviewed some of the users on all three floors. The conclusion was that the network can be improved.

The tests revealed large differences in the speed of the wireless network pending on where you are sitting. And this is of course not satisfactory.

The interviews indicated that the user experience of the wireless network differs greatly depending on place and time and the number of simulant users - not surprising.

New equipment on the way
Based on this study, we and the central IT department, AIT, have agreed to replace the equipment for the wireless network; work starts late this year or early next year.

And we have established a working group with AIT that is committed to the continued improvement of Wi-Fi in the library. The group will also publish some guidelines on how you get the best possible Wi-Fi signal in the library - as this also depends on your equipment and settings; not all laptops are the same.

Often, you can improve the signal simply by turning the Wi-Fi off and on on your laptop.