New features for advanced search in DTU Findit

Advanced Search
You now have two advanced search options in DTU Findit: a traditional field-based form and a module for constructing more complex AND/OR searches.

DTU Findit

If you choose the AND/OR search, you can follow the construction of your search in the search box; a command-based search string is created, as the librarian would put it. You can add fields, synonyms and select operator in the advanced search. If you are familiar with the commands, you may type them directly into the search string.

Advanced search" is still located under the search box.

If you want to use these new opportunities in a specific project, remember that you can book a librarian.

About DTU Findit
We have added “About DTU Findit” at the top of DTU Findit. Here you get access to help and tutorials, including help for searches, favorites, tags and feeds. This is also where you can get an overview of where the data in DTU Findit is provided from, and you are introduced to the possibilities for Text and Data mining.

Please use the feedback button in DTU Findit for input. As always, you are welcome to contact DTU Library at