DTU Data is DTU`s repository for data produced by DTU researchers.
You can use DTU Data for publishing supplementary data to your article. In comparison to using a similar service from a journal publisher, the use of DTU Data is free and DTU maintains the control over the stored data.
Reserve a DOI and share private link
If you want to submit supplementary data with your manuscript for peer-review, first create your data item - but don’t publish it. You have the possibility to reserve a DOI and add this to the manuscript upon submission to a journal. At the same time, you can forward a private link to the reviewers, since the DOI is inaccessible (the item is not published). The private link does not contain author and institution information, and is therefore suitable for blinded peer-review.
You don’t have to reserve the DOI, this is just an option. However, you always have the possibility to generate a private link to share the dataset with anyone before it is published. In this way, you can have your data and article reviewed with the option to change the data item according to referee suggestions or to that of collaborators.
Follow metrics for your published data
When you publish data in DTU Data, your data is assigned a DOI, which enables findability and makes it possible for others to cite your work. You can follow views, downloads and citations for your items in DTU Data.
As an employee at DTU, you will automatically have a DTU Data account and will be able to login with your DTU Credentials and can immediately get started.
Learn more on DTU Inside (DTU-login)
Read our information about DTU Data and get the answers your questions in our FAQ.
Introductions to DTU Data
DTU Library offers introductions to the use of DTU Data. Please contact datamanagement@dtu.dk if you wish to arrange an introduction at your department or in your research group.