Both Journal Citation Report and Essential Science Indicator, with DTU access, are relaunched with a new user interface, InCites. The new interface not only offers an up-to-date look but also new features and options, such as graphics, interactive maps and relations charts, better sorting in tables, user-friendly filtering when searching and a better integration with other Thomson Reuters products - welcome on board!
Access with DTU login
You get access to these two services via the alphabetic list in "Other search tools" on the DTU Library website or via the library on Portalen - or use the links below; you may want to make a bookmark or favorit in your own "universe":
- access with out DTU login from the "walk-in" PCs in the library.
Journal Citation Report
Journal Citation Reports is a comprehensive and unique resource that allows you to evaluate and compare journals using citation data drawn from over 7,500 scholarly and technical journals from more than 3,300 publishers in over 60 countries. Journal Citation Reports - journal metrics, including Impact Factor.
Essential Science Indicators
Essential Science Indicators is an in-depth analytical tool offering data for ranking scientists, institutions, countries, and journals provided by Thomson Reuters. You can explore science performance statistics and science trends data.
Essential Science Indicators is divided into four main sections:
• the most-cited authors
• the most-cited institutions (e.g. universities)
• the most-cited countries
• the most-cited journals