Did you know that this week - 22 - 28 October - is the International Open Access Week? DTU Library mark the week by focusing on Open Access
Open Access
Open Access is about giving free access to online literature without subscriptions or other restrictions. Publishing Open Access does not compromise your scientific integrity – your research will still be peer-reviewed.
You can publish your work Open Access either by depositing the accepted, peer-reviewed version of your article in a repository (e.g. DTU Orbit) or in an Open Access journal.
Open Access is not only relevant when you want to publish your research. Open Access is also important when you search for scientific publications. Open Access means wider access to - and better utilization of – research, as it is freely available regardless of subscriptions, licenses and purchase at the publishers.
DTU departments and the Danish National Strategy
DTU endorses the Danish National Open Access Strategy and during the Open Access Week, DTU Library will circulate updated Open Access-figures to all DTU departments, encouraging them to work towards meeting the official goals. The National Strategy states that by 2025, all Danish peer-reviewed scientific articles must be available Open Access; 100 %.
Learn more
All weekdays you can have a chat with one of our Open Access experts over a cup of coffee or tea between 11.30 and 12.30 in the library i Lyngby.
Or stay tuned and learn more about Green Open Access, Golden Open Access, funder requirements, post-prints via DTU Library’s news flow.
Self-archiving in DTU Orbit:
Learn more about Open Access