Welcome to DTU Library

- in Ballerup and Lyngby as well as online

DTU Library plays a central role for students at DTU, not only as university library, but also as part of the lively study environment.

The Library
You will find DTU Library on Lyngby and Ballerup Campus. In Lyngby, the library is located in building 101 just across form the student canteen. In Ballerup, you will find the library centrally located in the main building.

Renovation in Lyngby - use our Mini library
The library in Lyngby is undergoing renovation until October 2017. In the meantime, you can use our Mini library in the basement under the bookstore. Here you will find all the usual services: PCs, group work space, printing, help etc. DTU IT service will be in the Mini library 12.00-13.00.

The Mini library is open weekdays 10.00-16.00.

The digital library

As a DTU student you have online access to the digital library of millions of scientific articles and e-books. Our search engine DTU Findit makes it easy to search across the many electronic journals we subscribe to, as well as our big collection of e-books.

The printed library
The printed books are found in the basement in Lyngby and in the library itself in Ballerup. Both sites contain a larger collection of relevant books that you can borrow. All textbooks from DTU's courses are also available here - if not found as e-books.

New students must activate their library account signing in with DTU login before you can borrow books from our print collection.
PilActivate your library account

Data bar & DTU wireless
When we open after the renovation in Lyngby, we offer a large data bar with almost 100 Windows PCs and double screens.

In both libraries, you have access to DTU wireless network and we have printers, scanners, etc. at both sites - as well as in the Mini library. Black and white print is free of charge btw.

Study places and group study rooms
Both in Lyngby and in Ballerup you will find study and reading places and room for group work as well as a number of well-equipped group rooms that you can book online. The Mini library in the basement in Lyngby offers 6 group rooms. By October, the number of rooms will be much larger.
PilBook grupperum, Lyngby
PilBook grupperum, Ballerup

Study environment
DTU Library offers a variety of places to relax and "recharge" between lectures. When we open after the renovation we will be hosting many exciting exhibitions and events - check our calendar on the website.
PilDTU Library calendar

Guidance and courses
Throughout the day you can get help and guidance from the library staff. You can also make an appointment with a librarian for a session tailored to your needs. You may also start by following one of our courses.
PilBook a librarian
PilDTU Library courses

News from DTU Library
DTU Library posts new offers on DTU Inside and on our Facebook page 
PilNews from DTU Library (DTU logi)
PilDTU Library Facebook

Drop by
You are always welcome to drop by the library and have a chat - whether you are studying in Lyngby or in Ballerup.

Welcome to DTU Library
- look forward to helping you!