DTU RoboCup will once again be held at DTU Library, Lyngby

Robotteknik og automation
All robot enthusiasts can look forward to this year’s DTU RoboCup held in the library at DTU in Lyngby on Thursday, 20 April.

It is the 20th year for the DTU RoboCup competition, where autonomous robots are racing on a track with obstacles. The task of the robots is to tackle as many obstacles as possible in time and thereby win points – and maybe one of the big cash prizes.

The competition is not only for engineering students. We hope to see participants with different backgrounds – as previous years. And there are several different prize for those who finish the course!

Come and test the track
The course will be set up in the library on Friday, 7 April and will be available for test runs from until the qualifying round on Wednesday, 19 April. The qualification round is held 19 April from 13.00 to 15.00.

The finals
This year's DTU RoboCup finals are on Thursday, 20 April from 10:00 to 12:00. All are welcome in the library in building 101, DTU Lyngby campus.

Learn more
See more details about the competition at DTU RoboCup’s website, where you will also find both a description and a map of the course: www.robocup.dtu.dk

Se you at DTU Library!

DTU, Building 101
Anker Engelunds Vej 1
2800 Kgs. Lyngby