You can use the new tag sharing in
DTU Findit to share the results of your literature search with your research colleagues, your students or fellow students.
When teaching a course, you can provide your students with the literature used at the course. You may for instant use the course number as a tag, e.g. "Course 88383", and share this with the students following the course, e.g. via CampusNet. The students will easily gain access to the relevant literature that you have already found.
To share references with your DTU colleagues, it may be more appropriate to use academic keywords as a tag; you type the tag yourself. You can comment your tag and you share it via a link.
See how (pdf)
More new features in DTU Findit
In addition to the tag sharing function, DTU Library has also improved the general search experience in DTU Findit with two new features:
- Search hit highlighting - DTU Findit highlights the words you search for in the search result. Thus, you can easily identify the context in which your keywords are used.
- New filters - Before you could filter your search result by type - e.g. articles, books.
Now, we have made this selection even more finely-tuned. For example, the resulting list of articles can be broken down by the categories "Journal Article", "Conference Paper", "Preprint" and more.
Introduction to DTU Findit
If you want a tailor-made introduction to DTU Findit - book a librarian
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- the gateway to knowledge and innovation