How can you use DTU PATLIB-center

DTU Library as a regional PATLIB-center

This week two events are held at DTU focusing on how to protect your idea, how to handle competitors and on Intellectual Property Rights (IPR). One event is on Tuesday at DTU Skylab in Lyngby and the other on Thursday at DTU Diplom in Ballerup.

Both events take advantage of the PATLIB collaboration and have invited experts from the Patent and Trademark Office (Patent- og Varemærkestyrelsen). And both events are examples of how DTU can use the DTU PATLIB-center.

If you have ideas for an event with patents as the focal point, DTU PATLIB center can help you design a program tailored to your needs. If required, experts from Patent and Trademark Office can be invited.

You are always welcome to contact DTU PATLIB center by mail