On the occasion of the UN having designated 2015 as International Year of Light, you can visit the exhibition "All innovation begins with a bright idea" in DTU Library in Lyngby, from 2 February to 6 March.
Opening speech
The exhibition is made in cooperation with the Department of Photonics Engineering, DTU Fotonik, and at the official opening on Monday, 2 February at 15.00 D.Sc. Jørgen Schou and Professor Paul Michael Petersen, DTU Fotonik, will be speaking.
The exhibition
Through posters and effects, the exhibition will give you an insight into the many research areas of DTU Fotonik: cell phones and laptops, fiber optics and lasers as the basis of the Internet, and energy efficient LED light bulbs - just to name some of the benefits of photonics.
You can also see and try an authentic model of the new street lamp, part of DTU Smart Avenue - one of the initiatives towards a DTU Smart Campus. On the parking avenue from Nordvej to Akademivej, 106 LED street lamps with smart lighting controls have been installed to give people an opportunity for testing and demonstration of Smart City prototypes. DTU Smart Campus has been initiated by DTU Space and DTU Campus Services, CAS.
Library Lunch Talks
Remember to check the calendar of DTU Library. Throughout the exhibition period, researchers from DTU Fotonik and DTU Space will come and give talks on the latest research in the fields of light, LED, smart management and so on. First Lunch talk will take place on 24 February.