We are opening the doors to DTU Library at 10.00 on Tuesday, 6 April 2021 - with restrictions
It is with great pleasure that we can welcome DTU students and staff back at DTU Library, Lyngby and Ballerup Campus, as part of DTU's open study environment.
Negative corona test result required
As for the rest of the university, it is a requirement of physical appearance that all staff and students have achieved a negative test result within the last 72 hours by either antigen or PCR testing for COVID-19.
See Guidance and rules during reopening on DTU Insdie (DTU Login) - incl. info about check of test results
Take care of yourself and each other!
It is your own responsibility to keep a distance and look out for each other in the library. Follow the health authorities' guidelines for distance and hygiene.
Gel for cleaning hands and means for wiping surfaces are provided throughout the library. Our cleaning effort i general has been increased with a focus on contact surfaces, such as toilets, doors, handles, handrails on the stairs, etc.
- and we all use face masks, when we are not sitting down.
Stay home when sick or if you are not feeling well!
Services and restrictions
You have access to the library 24/7 with DTU card and code. Use card and code even when Library service is staffed.
In Lyngby, we can hold 300 simultaneous visitors and in Ballerup 50 - we count electronicaly. Please wait in line if the counter has passed 300 and the screen is red. Please follow our instructions.
Library service in Lyngby is staffed on weekdays 8.00 to 19.00 and 12.00-16.00 in weekends. In Ballerup, Library service is staffed Tuesdays and Thursdays, 9.00-12.00. Please use card and code to access the library.
Please keep a distance by the PCs on first floor (2 meters), only one and person per PC and wipe off surfaces before and after use, incl. the keyboard.
Group rooms and booths can be booked, but please only 4 or 2 people in each respectively. Remember to clean and wipe off before and after use, including white board markers, etc. Means for wiping surfaces are found throughout the library.
DTU Media Lab can be booked as before, but remember your own VR headset.
Equipment such as Bose headsets, extension cords, cameras, etc. are not for loan.
You can use DTU Wi-Fi on your own IT equipment - also for printing.
Printers and plotters are available on regular terms - remember to clean before and after.
Open for loans - again
You can borrow DTU Library's own books through the self-lending machine - remember to wipe surfaces and buttons before and after.
We thus open for loans from the collections in both Lyngby and Ballerup. We also open for inquiries on loans from foreign libraries.
The digital library
And you can still use the digital library, DTU Findit - now available on mobile and tablet.
DTU Findit
Contact a librarian
You can get guidance from a librarian online, as during the lockdown, ask at Library Service between 10.00 and 14.00 or send an email to bibliotek@dtu.dk
See you!