Publish your RSC articles Open Access

Do you publish in one of the Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) journals?  Why not publish your paper, as a Gold Open Access (OA) article, without paying the normal Article Publication Fee (APF)?

As a subscriber to RSC Journals the Technical University of Denmark has been assigned the opportunity to publish 17 articles in journals of the RSC as open access.

The initiative, called Gold for Gold, is an innovative experiment from the RSC and will end by December 2013.

By making your article OA you ensure a further increase of the visibility of your quality research. The article is accessible not only to the subscribers of the journals but also to the public.

You can find further information about Gold for Gold at the website of RSC:

How does it work?
DTU Library has received 17 OA voucher codes to publish Gold OA articles. Each voucher code can be used to publish a communication, full paper, review or technical note without paying the Article Publication Fee.

You submit your article in the same way as you normally do. As soon as you receive notification from RSC that your article has been accepted, please send an e-mail to Tanja Maj Jakobsen , who will provide you with a voucher code. The Voucher code should be entered in the appropriate box when filling in the Gold for Gold online acceptance form:

Do you have any further questions regarding the process and the voucher codes, please contact Tanja Maj Jakobsen at

Open Access at DTU
You can find further information about open access at DTU: